
2025-03-24 Fixing a Password Generator

I've been nerd-sniped by co-pilot. I don't normally have it enabled, but was working on another machine which did. I was implementing a feature when it suggested autocompleting GeneratePassword.

It took me on a journey of benchmarking with BenchmarkDotNet and discovering what did and did not affect performance in microbenchmarking.

Co-pilot output

The original suggestion, straight from co-pilot was:

public string GeneratePassword(int length)
    string password = "";
    string characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+";
    System.Random random = new System.Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        password += characters[random.Next(characters.Length)];
    return password;

It surprised me, because it's in the perfect spot of being just about good enough to sneak through some reviews. It would certainly get a few remarks if reviewed as a standalone feature, but it could get through if bundled as part of 20 files in a wider feature. This is a benefit of small commits, but that's a post for another day.

Yet it's also bad code. There are to me, three main concerns:

Improving Security

Let's address security first, it's no good having a password generator be fast if you can't trust the output.

public string SecureRandom(int length)
    string password = "";
    string characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+";

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        password += characters[RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(characters.Length)];
    return password;

I've kept the same naive implementation, but swapped random.Next() for the static (and thread safe) RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32 which is a more secure random number generator.

Benchmarking and performance optimisation

Let's get this under the benchmark microscope to see how we can address performance.

Measuring baseline performance is easy with BenchmarkDotNet, we just create a class and then annotate it.

Since we're creating a class, let's move length and characters to properties in the class.

This will also let us easily parameterise the length across our benchmarks. I've gone with 3 different lengths of passwords, so that we can see the effect of increasing password length on generation, and also used two separate categories so we can compare our optimisation efforts on both the secure and vulnerable versions of the password generator.

public string GeneratePasswordSharedRandom()
    string password = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
        password += characters[Random.Shared.Next(characters.Length)];
    return password;

Let's immediately look at the impact of removing System.Random random = new System.Random(); and using the static System.Random.Shared for the vulnerable example.

For this example I'll post the whole class, for future examples I'll just post individual methods.

using System.Security.Cryptography;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;

namespace PasswordGen
    public class Example1
        [Params(14, 24, 32)]
        public int Length { get; set; }

        private const string characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+";

        [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
        public string GeneratePassword()
            string password = "";
            System.Random random = new System.Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                password += characters[random.Next(characters.Length)];
            return password;

        public string SecureRandom(int length)
            string password = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                password += characters[RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(characters.Length)];
            return password;

        public string GeneratePasswordSharedRandom()
            string password = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
                password += characters[Random.Shared.Next(characters.Length)];
            return password;

Table of Results
Method Length Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
GeneratePassword 14 219.0 ns 4.19 ns 3.92 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0753 632 B 1.00
SecureRandom 14 1,378.7 ns 6.59 ns 5.50 ns 6.30 0.11 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 14 129.3 ns 1.85 ns 1.54 ns 0.59 0.01 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePassword 24 307.6 ns 4.08 ns 3.41 ns 1.00 0.02 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
SecureRandom 24 2,379.0 ns 11.01 ns 9.20 ns 7.73 0.09 0.1411 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 24 227.1 ns 1.20 ns 0.93 ns 0.74 0.01 0.1433 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePassword 32 390.2 ns 7.85 ns 9.64 ns 1.00 0.03 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
SecureRandom 32 3,181.0 ns 18.73 ns 15.64 ns 8.16 0.20 0.2213 1856 B 0.96
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 32 314.4 ns 6.03 ns 6.20 ns 0.81 0.02 0.2217 1856 B 0.96

Benchmark results graph

We can now see that avoiding new System.Random() increased performance, roughly 35% faster for the 24 character example.

We can also see that using RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32 destroyed our performance, taking us into microseconds territory and taking around 8 times as long to do the same work.

To make comparisons in the table easier, we can add [BenchmarkCategory("Secure")] and [BenchmarkCategory("Vulnerable")] attributes to our benchmarks to mark GeneratePassword and SecureRandom as two separate baselines, so we can more easily examine the performane impact on changes made to each. We also need to mark the class with [GroupBenchmarksBy(BenchmarkLogicalGroupRule.ByCategory)] and [CategoriesColumn] to get a category column in the output table.

String Building

Okay, let's do the other straightforward and obvious improvement, to use StringBuilder, so that our non-secure version now looks like this:

[BenchmarkCategory("Vulnerable"), Benchmark()]
public string StringBuilder()

    StringBuilder password = new(Length);
    for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)

    return password.ToString();

// With an equivalent Secure version not shown here.

Since we know the size of the string, we are able to intialize our string builder with that capacity. However, given this knowledge, we can also allocate a char[] and fill it. Let's also try that at the same time:

[BenchmarkCategory("Secure"), Benchmark()]
public string CharArraySecure()
    char[] buffer = new char[Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
        buffer[i] = characters[RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(characters.Length)];

    return new string(buffer);

// With an equivalent Vulnerable version not shown here.
Table of Results for String Builder, Char[], and original function with string concatenation
Method Categories Length Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
SecureRandom Secure 14 1,406.36 ns 24.936 ns 22.105 ns 1,399.08 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0668 560 B 1.00
StringBuilderSecure Secure 14 1,183.25 ns 22.336 ns 21.937 ns 1,175.49 ns 0.84 0.02 0.0191 160 B 0.29
CharArraySecure Secure 14 1,170.42 ns 4.963 ns 4.643 ns 1,171.53 ns 0.83 0.01 0.0134 112 B 0.20
SecureRandom Secure 24 2,278.24 ns 13.348 ns 11.833 ns 2,277.78 ns 1.00 0.01 0.1411 1200 B 1.00
StringBuilderSecure Secure 24 2,000.61 ns 8.895 ns 7.428 ns 2,002.13 ns 0.88 0.01 0.0229 192 B 0.16
CharArraySecure Secure 24 1,983.18 ns 8.655 ns 7.672 ns 1,981.64 ns 0.87 0.01 0.0153 144 B 0.12
SecureRandom Secure 32 3,158.97 ns 14.740 ns 12.308 ns 3,157.65 ns 1.00 0.01 0.2213 1856 B 1.00
StringBuilderSecure Secure 32 2,636.48 ns 14.115 ns 13.203 ns 2,638.96 ns 0.83 0.01 0.0267 224 B 0.12
CharArraySecure Secure 32 2,629.67 ns 11.391 ns 10.655 ns 2,630.99 ns 0.83 0.00 0.0191 176 B 0.09
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 14 218.57 ns 3.956 ns 3.700 ns 217.32 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0753 632 B 1.00
StringBuilder Vulnerable 14 91.63 ns 1.880 ns 4.540 ns 89.94 ns 0.42 0.02 0.0191 160 B 0.25
CharArray Vulnerable 14 66.62 ns 0.340 ns 0.284 ns 66.60 ns 0.30 0.01 0.0134 112 B 0.18
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 24 309.67 ns 5.906 ns 5.525 ns 306.79 ns 1.00 0.02 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
StringBuilder Vulnerable 24 158.18 ns 3.241 ns 8.706 ns 157.86 ns 0.51 0.03 0.0229 192 B 0.15
CharArray Vulnerable 24 108.31 ns 1.156 ns 1.082 ns 107.71 ns 0.35 0.01 0.0172 144 B 0.11
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 32 384.21 ns 4.711 ns 3.678 ns 385.03 ns 1.00 0.01 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
StringBuilder Vulnerable 32 182.13 ns 2.545 ns 2.125 ns 182.57 ns 0.47 0.01 0.0267 224 B 0.12
CharArray Vulnerable 32 141.43 ns 0.751 ns 0.627 ns 141.33 ns 0.37 0.00 0.0210 176 B 0.09

Graph for Table 2 non-secure variants Graph for Table 2 secure variants

Okay, that's another modest improvement. It's hard to see with the secure version, but with the vulnerable version we've confirmed the char[] approach is better than StringBuilderfor building short fixed-length strings up from characters.

The time in the secure version is dominated by the random number generation, so let's fix that.

Faster random generators

We need to address time spent in our secure version which is completely dominated by GetInt32. We can improve performance by getting all the bytes we need at once and then encoding them into characters.

To allow us to do this, we will need to make an important compromise, so that we don't introduce bias.

Our character set is 74 characters. If we were to generate a byte and then do value % 74, we would be introducing a bias toward characters a through H. I won't go into the mathematics, but this can be seen by running this code:

byte[] foo = new byte[1024*1024];
string characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()_+";


var frequencies = foo.Select(f => f % 74)
.GroupBy(f => f)
.OrderBy(f => f.Key)
.Select(f => new { Value = characters[f.Key], Frequency = f.Count() });

foreach (var c in frequencies) {
 	Console.WriteLine($"'{c.Value}': {c.Frequency}");
'a': 16452
'b': 16693
'G': 16527
'H': 16543
'I': 12233
'J': 12248
'K': 12242
'_': 12279
'+': 12203

There's a heavy bias with a through H having approximately ~16,300 appearances with I through + having roughly 12,200.

To eliminate this bias, we need a character set that divides evenly into 256. We can either try to pad to 128 characters, which will significantly increase the entropy of our password for a given length, or we can cut down to 64 characters, which will have the unfortunate side-effect of also reducing entropy.

We'll cut down to 64. It's difficult to think of 50 more recognisable characters and we can also take the opportunity to cut out characters that can be confused for each other in some fonts, such as I and l.

The reduction in entropy can be calculated. For a 16 character password, we are going from 74^16 ~= 100 bits, to 64^16 = 96 bits. So we've lost around 4 bits from our password. If this is a concern, then we can increase our password length by one character to accomodate.

The actual entropy lost will be log_2(64/74) = -0.2094534 bits per character in the password.

It is a weakening, but if it's properly documented, should not be a concern.

Let's define our new character set:

private const string charactersShortSet = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789@#$%&()_+";

Now we have a character set that won't introduce bias, let's add a function that gets all the bytes at once from our Random sources:

public string Buffer()
    byte[] bytebuffer = new byte[Length];

    char[] buffer = new char[Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
        buffer[i] = charactersShortSet[bytebuffer[i] % 64];

    return new(buffer);

We'll also produce an equivalent "vulnerable" version using Random.Shared.NextBytes, although I'd recommend not using it.

Table of results for buffering the random bytes
Method Categories Length Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
SecureRandom Secure 14 1,385.36 ns 7.762 ns 6.881 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0668 560 B 1.00
BufferSecure Secure 14 86.59 ns 0.738 ns 0.654 ns 0.06 0.00 0.0181 152 B 0.27
SecureRandom Secure 24 2,385.88 ns 15.122 ns 13.405 ns 1.00 0.01 0.1411 1200 B 1.00
BufferSecure Secure 24 107.46 ns 1.057 ns 0.989 ns 0.05 0.00 0.0229 192 B 0.16
SecureRandom Secure 32 3,182.64 ns 13.813 ns 10.785 ns 1.00 0.00 0.2213 1856 B 1.00
BufferSecure Secure 32 117.98 ns 1.035 ns 0.917 ns 0.04 0.00 0.0277 232 B 0.12
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 14 218.01 ns 3.323 ns 3.412 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0753 632 B 1.00
Buffer Vulnerable 14 32.63 ns 0.345 ns 0.269 ns 0.15 0.00 0.0181 152 B 0.24
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 24 306.43 ns 4.712 ns 4.177 ns 1.00 0.02 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
Buffer Vulnerable 24 37.25 ns 0.270 ns 0.225 ns 0.12 0.00 0.0229 192 B 0.15
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 32 374.71 ns 4.076 ns 3.812 ns 1.00 0.01 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
Buffer Vulnerable 32 44.37 ns 0.522 ns 0.488 ns 0.12 0.00 0.0277 232 B 0.12

Graph of benchmark results for buffering the random data

Now there's the improvement we were hoping for! Our vulnerable version is now up to 8 times faster than the original co-pilot output.

More importantly, our secure version is actually faster than the original vulnerable co-pilot version.

Using the full symbol set

We've sacrificed some symbols and characters from the output to achieve this. Can we maintain a good speed while also using our full character set? It might be possible: while looking up RandomNumberGenerator.Fill I spotted RandomNumberGenerator.GetItems<T>, which:

Creates an array populated with items chosen at random from choices

That sounds exactly like what we're after. There's also an equivalent Random.Shared.GetItems<T>, let's implement them, going back to our original 74 character set to do so. This leaves our methods as:

[BenchmarkCategory("Vulnerable"), Benchmark()]
public string GetItems()
    char[] buffer = Random.Shared.GetItems<char>(characters, Length);
    return new(buffer);

[BenchmarkCategory("Secure"), Benchmark()]
public string GetItemsSecure()
    char[] buffer = RandomNumberGenerator.GetItems<char>(characters, Length);
    return new(buffer);

That's definitely a lot neater code than the original, let's see how it performs:

Table of Results for GetItems methods
Method Categories Length Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
SecureRandom Secure 14 1,375.0 ns 8.36 ns 7.41 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0668 560 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure Secure 14 208.9 ns 1.95 ns 1.73 ns 0.15 0.00 0.0134 112 B 0.20
SecureRandom Secure 24 2,405.9 ns 32.45 ns 30.35 ns 1.00 0.02 0.1411 1200 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure Secure 24 302.6 ns 1.86 ns 1.55 ns 0.13 0.00 0.0172 144 B 0.12
SecureRandom Secure 32 3,184.5 ns 22.23 ns 19.71 ns 1.00 0.01 0.2213 1856 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure Secure 32 369.4 ns 3.19 ns 2.49 ns 0.12 0.00 0.0210 176 B 0.09
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 14 217.4 ns 2.64 ns 2.34 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0753 632 B 1.00
GetItems Vulnerable 14 125.0 ns 1.46 ns 1.30 ns 0.57 0.01 0.0134 112 B 0.18
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 24 309.8 ns 4.09 ns 3.63 ns 1.00 0.02 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
GetItems Vulnerable 24 187.3 ns 1.67 ns 1.48 ns 0.60 0.01 0.0172 144 B 0.11
GeneratePassword Vulnerable 32 383.6 ns 5.39 ns 4.50 ns 1.00 0.02 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
GetItems Vulnerable 32 243.7 ns 2.80 ns 2.62 ns 0.64 0.01 0.0210 176 B 0.09

Graph of benchmark results for GetItems

Okay, well that's a bit of a performance regression. We'd need to understand the trade-offs of using the full character set vs the reduced character set with better performance.

At this point we can drop benchmarking the "weak" version entirely. We now have a secure version that has feature parity with the original while also being faster than the original code. I'll be using GetItemsSecure as the baseline for benchmarks going forward.

There's a couple of final performance tweaks we can try, but before we do, we should address the third bullet point on the list of problems with the original co-pilot code.

Fixing the functionality

It's important we don't lose sight of our goal, a working password generator that won't frustrate us by sometimes returning a password that contains no symbols.

There are a few approaches to fixing this issue, some of which are fraught with the danger of re-introducing bias. One naive way is to generate a character from the symbols set (or k characters) and then generate n-k characters from the full set, then shuffle both sets together. This would however reintroduce a subtle bias.

The easiest way to demonstrate this bias is with a set of 3 fair coins.

We have 8 possible random outcomes:


If we demand a passcode that "must have at least 1 T", then we have 7 possible equally likely outcomes, that is all outcomes except HHH.

Let's ee what happens if we try to generate this by picking a T, then randomly picking two more characters and then shuffling.

We have 4 intial outcomes from our two remaining coin tosses:

T + HH
T + HT
T + TH
T + TT

For each initial outcome, we have 6 ways to shuffle the 3 characters.

So when shuffled, these become 24 equally likely outcomes:

( From T + HH )


( From T + HT )

( From T + TH )


( From T + TT )

Yes, 6 in 24, a full quarter of all outcomes are TTT, yet with a fair coin there should be just 1 in 7 cases of TTT given there is at least one T.

So that approach is out. The fairer way to do this is to generate a password, then if it doesn't meet the criteria, throw it out entirely and start again.

We'll also parameterise the minimum number of special characters in our code, to look at requiring 0, 1 or 2 special characters.

[Params(0, 1, 2)]
public int MinmumSpecialCharacters { get; set; }

When we're using RandomNumberGenerator.Fill and looking up the result in our character set, our character set is fortunately arranged so that we can cheaply determine if there is a special character. We just have to look at the value of the byte to see if it is 55 (0x37) or higher, since indexes 55 to 63 in our string are all special characters.

For the case where we are using GetItems, we have to count char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit and take that from our password length, then compare that count against the requested minimum symbols.

[BenchmarkCategory("Secure"), Benchmark()]
public string RejectionSampleSecure()
    byte[] bytebuffer = new byte[Length];
    char[] buffer = new char[Length];

    while (true)
        int specialChars = 0;
        bool metMinimum = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
            if (!metMinimum && (bytebuffer[i] > 54) && (++specialChars >= MinmumSpecialCharacters))
                metMinimum = true;

            buffer[i] = charactersShortSet[bytebuffer[i] % 64];

        if (metMinimum)

            return new(buffer);

[BenchmarkCategory("Secure"), Benchmark()]
public string GetItemsWithRejectionSecure()
    while (true)
        char[] buffer = RandomNumberGenerator.GetItems<char>(characters, Length);

        if ((buffer.Length - buffer.Count(char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit)) >= MinmumSpecialCharacters)
            return new(buffer);

For this solution we have had to enumerate the array again for the GetItems approach. We expect this to further worsen its performance relative to the 64 character set approach, so let's see the results:

Table of Results for passwords with Minimum Special Characters
Method MinmumSpecialCharacters Length Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
GetItemsSecure 0 14 216.41 ns 3.943 ns 3.688 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 0 14 93.84 ns 0.779 ns 0.651 ns 0.43 0.01 0.0181 152 B 1.36
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 0 14 274.44 ns 2.315 ns 2.165 ns 1.27 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure 0 24 308.27 ns 4.794 ns 4.250 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 0 24 125.08 ns 2.024 ns 1.794 ns 0.41 0.01 0.0229 192 B 1.33
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 0 24 410.03 ns 3.729 ns 3.488 ns 1.33 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure 0 32 383.04 ns 7.545 ns 7.410 ns 1.00 0.03 0.0210 176 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 0 32 150.98 ns 3.058 ns 7.149 ns 0.39 0.02 0.0277 232 B 1.32
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 0 32 499.03 ns 3.942 ns 3.495 ns 1.30 0.03 0.0210 176 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure 1 14 210.37 ns 3.295 ns 3.082 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 1 14 99.96 ns 1.267 ns 1.058 ns 0.48 0.01 0.0181 152 B 1.36
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 1 14 312.13 ns 3.662 ns 3.425 ns 1.48 0.03 0.0138 117 B 1.04
GetItemsSecure 1 24 296.49 ns 3.779 ns 3.535 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 1 24 130.04 ns 2.424 ns 3.628 ns 0.44 0.01 0.0229 192 B 1.33
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 1 24 421.19 ns 2.212 ns 1.847 ns 1.42 0.02 0.0172 145 B 1.01
GetItemsSecure 1 32 378.64 ns 4.840 ns 4.528 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 1 32 149.58 ns 2.487 ns 2.327 ns 0.40 0.01 0.0277 232 B 1.32
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 1 32 516.26 ns 5.135 ns 4.803 ns 1.36 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
GetItemsSecure 2 14 211.07 ns 2.997 ns 2.803 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 2 14 120.75 ns 1.360 ns 1.205 ns 0.57 0.01 0.0181 152 B 1.36
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 2 14 403.71 ns 4.163 ns 3.691 ns 1.91 0.03 0.0162 137 B 1.22
GetItemsSecure 2 24 301.89 ns 3.207 ns 3.000 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0172 144 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 2 24 133.41 ns 1.090 ns 0.910 ns 0.44 0.01 0.0229 192 B 1.33
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 2 24 442.47 ns 3.852 ns 3.603 ns 1.47 0.02 0.0176 150 B 1.04
GetItemsSecure 2 32 376.13 ns 3.315 ns 3.100 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0210 176 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 2 32 156.98 ns 0.922 ns 0.818 ns 0.42 0.00 0.0277 232 B 1.32
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 2 32 504.26 ns 5.433 ns 5.082 ns 1.34 0.02 0.0210 178 B 1.01

Graph of results for minimum special characters

As expected, this has added overhead, it leaves us with a choice between RejectionSampleSecure with it's slightly reduced entropy per output character but preferable performance characteristics and GetItemsWithRejectionSecure, which uses the full symbol set for feature parity with the original code.

Further performance improvements

We can try to speed up the GetItems based methods by using a loop to count the special characters, so we can exit early when we've met our target rather than counting all special characters.

Also, we can try to avoid a heap allocation by using stackalloc to allocate the span on the stack.

This leaves our code like the following:

public string StackAllocSecure()
    Span<char> buffer = stackalloc char[Length];

    while (true)
        RandomNumberGenerator.GetItems<char>(characters, buffer);

        int specialChars = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++)
            if (!char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit(buffer[i]) && (++specialChars >= MinmumSpecialCharacters))
                return new(buffer);

Table of Results for manual Special character checking and stack allocation
Method MinmumSpecialCharacters Length Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
GetItemsSecure 0 14 219.25 ns 3.568 ns 3.504 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 0 14 96.46 ns 1.653 ns 1.546 ns 0.44 0.01 0.0181 152 B 1.36
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 0 14 281.77 ns 4.986 ns 4.664 ns 1.29 0.03 0.0134 112 B 1.00
SpecialLoopSecure 0 14 239.87 ns 4.092 ns 3.828 ns 1.09 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 0 14 255.86 ns 4.454 ns 7.916 ns 1.17 0.04 0.0067 56 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 0 14 97.55 ns 1.386 ns 1.229 ns 0.45 0.01 0.0067 56 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 0 24 313.89 ns 2.916 ns 2.435 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0172 144 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 0 24 129.64 ns 1.929 ns 1.805 ns 0.41 0.01 0.0229 192 B 1.33
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 0 24 415.99 ns 6.103 ns 5.709 ns 1.33 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
SpecialLoopSecure 0 24 319.59 ns 5.351 ns 5.005 ns 1.02 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 0 24 327.40 ns 5.817 ns 5.442 ns 1.04 0.02 0.0086 72 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 0 24 124.45 ns 2.023 ns 1.892 ns 0.40 0.01 0.0086 72 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 0 32 367.56 ns 5.343 ns 4.998 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 0 32 145.40 ns 2.978 ns 3.186 ns 0.40 0.01 0.0277 232 B 1.32
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 0 32 524.62 ns 7.121 ns 5.946 ns 1.43 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
SpecialLoopSecure 0 32 406.65 ns 6.309 ns 5.901 ns 1.11 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 0 32 398.60 ns 7.189 ns 6.724 ns 1.08 0.02 0.0105 88 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 0 32 138.75 ns 2.733 ns 2.557 ns 0.38 0.01 0.0105 88 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 1 14 209.37 ns 3.375 ns 3.157 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 1 14 101.67 ns 1.786 ns 1.670 ns 0.49 0.01 0.0181 152 B 1.36
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 1 14 317.30 ns 4.885 ns 4.569 ns 1.52 0.03 0.0138 117 B 1.04
SpecialLoopSecure 1 14 241.89 ns 3.421 ns 3.200 ns 1.16 0.02 0.0134 112 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 1 14 246.68 ns 4.584 ns 4.288 ns 1.18 0.03 0.0067 56 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 1 14 96.41 ns 1.684 ns 1.575 ns 0.46 0.01 0.0067 56 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 1 24 305.87 ns 4.377 ns 4.094 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 1 24 129.04 ns 2.608 ns 2.790 ns 0.42 0.01 0.0229 192 B 1.33
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 1 24 425.78 ns 5.961 ns 5.576 ns 1.39 0.03 0.0172 145 B 1.01
SpecialLoopSecure 1 24 319.29 ns 4.231 ns 3.958 ns 1.04 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 1 24 318.13 ns 4.758 ns 4.451 ns 1.04 0.02 0.0086 72 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 1 24 118.54 ns 2.184 ns 2.043 ns 0.39 0.01 0.0086 72 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 1 32 367.17 ns 5.206 ns 4.869 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 1 32 148.29 ns 2.290 ns 2.030 ns 0.40 0.01 0.0277 232 B 1.32
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 1 32 497.77 ns 8.330 ns 7.792 ns 1.36 0.03 0.0210 176 B 1.00
SpecialLoopSecure 1 32 383.71 ns 6.443 ns 6.027 ns 1.05 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 1 32 380.26 ns 4.160 ns 3.891 ns 1.04 0.02 0.0105 88 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 1 32 134.83 ns 2.179 ns 2.038 ns 0.37 0.01 0.0105 88 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 2 14 218.75 ns 1.572 ns 1.471 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0134 112 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 2 14 106.04 ns 1.657 ns 1.550 ns 0.48 0.01 0.0181 152 B 1.36
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 2 14 410.57 ns 6.451 ns 6.034 ns 1.88 0.03 0.0162 137 B 1.22
SpecialLoopSecure 2 14 332.73 ns 2.577 ns 2.284 ns 1.52 0.01 0.0134 112 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 2 14 340.73 ns 4.629 ns 4.330 ns 1.56 0.02 0.0067 56 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 2 14 98.66 ns 1.572 ns 1.470 ns 0.45 0.01 0.0067 56 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 2 24 313.25 ns 4.255 ns 3.772 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 2 24 130.08 ns 2.566 ns 2.852 ns 0.42 0.01 0.0229 192 B 1.33
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 2 24 450.29 ns 3.358 ns 2.977 ns 1.44 0.02 0.0176 150 B 1.04
SpecialLoopSecure 2 24 368.24 ns 5.882 ns 5.502 ns 1.18 0.02 0.0172 144 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 2 24 357.85 ns 2.917 ns 2.729 ns 1.14 0.02 0.0086 72 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 2 24 119.55 ns 1.124 ns 0.997 ns 0.38 0.01 0.0086 72 B 0.50
GetItemsSecure 2 32 375.78 ns 7.011 ns 6.558 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0210 176 B 1.00
RejectionSampleSecure 2 32 155.96 ns 1.061 ns 0.886 ns 0.42 0.01 0.0277 232 B 1.32
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure 2 32 536.46 ns 7.375 ns 6.899 ns 1.43 0.03 0.0210 178 B 1.01
SpecialLoopSecure 2 32 424.13 ns 7.327 ns 6.853 ns 1.13 0.03 0.0210 176 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 2 32 411.87 ns 6.340 ns 5.931 ns 1.10 0.02 0.0105 88 B 0.50
RejectionSampleStackAlloc 2 32 136.31 ns 2.318 ns 2.168 ns 0.36 0.01 0.0105 88 B 0.50

Graph of Results for Table 6 with minimum special characters: 0

Graph of Results for Table 6 with minimum special characters: 1

Graph of Results for Table 6 with minimum special characters: 2

Checking in a loop has significantly reduced the overhead of counting special characters.

Stack allocation has barely changed running time, but has halved allocated bytes, as can be seen in these graphs by the purple allocation line.


We've seen how rejection sampling avoids bias in the outcome when dealing with passwords that don't meet minimum characters.

We can try a similar approach to avoid the bias in trying to sample from 74 characters.

If we first create 4 copies of each character, we pad our set to 222 characters. We also take the opportunity to sort the character map so the symbols are the first 48 characters in our expanded set.

If we then sample bytes, skipping any results outside of 0-221, and checking for values <=48 at the same time. Once we've generated a password, if we have the minimum, we return the password, else we keep going through the generated bytes.

We'll need to take enough bytes into our buffer so that we can reasonably expect to not exhaust the buffer.

The chance of fewer than K special bytes in N characters is calculatable using the Binomial distribution, but to get a rough idea we'll suggest people might want up to 1/4 their characters be symbols. For our worst case here, that is 8 symbols in 32. The probability of achieving this is only 0.135157, or roughly 1 in 7.

We also have only 222 in 256 chance of being able to use each byte, so we'll need another 15% overhead to accomodate bytes rejected initially.

Together, we'll need to ask for roughly 8.5 times as much random data as previous. For 32 length passwords, that is ~273 bytes, but we'll be generous and round up to the next power of 2, and take a 512 byte buffer.

Alternatively, we can have a strategy in place for getting a new buffer if we run out, and therefore we can be more conservative and target a 256 byte buffer, which could have performance benefits given it can be addressed by a single byte.

We can parameterise the buffer length to find an acceptable trade-off between requesting too much data, and having to re-fill the buffer.

public string DoubleRejection()
    Span<byte> bytebuffer = stackalloc byte[RandomBufferLength];
    Span<char> buffer = stackalloc char[Length];

    while (true)
        int i = 0;
        int charIndex = 0;
        bool metMinimum = false;

        int specialChars = 0;

        while (i < RandomBufferLength)
            byte value = bytebuffer[i];
            if (value >= 222)

            buffer[charIndex] = charactersLongSet[bytebuffer[i]];

            if (!metMinimum && (value < 36) && (++specialChars >= MinmumSpecialCharacters))
                metMinimum = true;

            if (++charIndex == Length)
                if (metMinimum)
                    return new(buffer);

                // reset charIndex
                charIndex = 0;
                specialChars = 0;

Table of different buffer lengths with 32 length password requiring 8 special characters.
Method RandomBufferLength MinmumSpecialCharacters Length Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Allocated
RandomBufferLengthsTest 32 8 32 125.753 μs 1.8742 μs 1.6615 μs - 88 B
RandomBufferLengthsTest 48 8 32 1.915 μs 0.0186 μs 0.0155 μs 0.0076 88 B
RandomBufferLengthsTest 64 8 32 2.369 μs 0.0114 μs 0.0095 μs 0.0076 88 B
RandomBufferLengthsTest 128 8 32 1.507 μs 0.0226 μs 0.0211 μs 0.0095 88 B
RandomBufferLengthsTest 256 8 32 1.271 μs 0.0124 μs 0.0104 μs 0.0095 88 B
RandomBufferLengthsTest 512 8 32 1.196 μs 0.0071 μs 0.0059 μs 0.0095 88 B
RandomBufferLengthsTest 1024 8 32 1.267 μs 0.0063 μs 0.0056 μs 0.0095 88 B

Here we can see that the fastest time was indeed a 512 byte buffer. This will be overkill for shorter password lengths and fewer required minimum special characters, but we can see from the shortest buffer lengths that the cost of having to refill the buffer is great.

Table of Results for Double Rejection
Method RandomBufferLength MinmumSpecialCharacters Length Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
StackAllocSecure 64 0 14 253.4 ns 4.84 ns 7.82 ns 250.1 ns 1.00 0.04 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 0 14 195.3 ns 2.14 ns 1.79 ns 195.0 ns 0.77 0.02 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 0 24 326.0 ns 2.69 ns 2.99 ns 325.8 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 0 24 219.2 ns 2.09 ns 1.75 ns 218.8 ns 0.67 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 0 32 395.1 ns 3.37 ns 2.81 ns 393.3 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 0 32 245.2 ns 4.88 ns 7.88 ns 242.4 ns 0.62 0.02 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 1 14 251.4 ns 5.02 ns 9.18 ns 245.1 ns 1.00 0.05 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 1 14 205.5 ns 4.11 ns 6.28 ns 204.4 ns 0.82 0.04 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 1 24 328.9 ns 6.59 ns 11.36 ns 334.6 ns 1.00 0.05 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 1 24 231.9 ns 4.62 ns 7.19 ns 227.7 ns 0.71 0.03 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 1 32 416.2 ns 8.27 ns 13.36 ns 425.9 ns 1.00 0.04 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 1 32 258.2 ns 5.18 ns 7.60 ns 255.2 ns 0.62 0.03 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 2 14 340.6 ns 6.80 ns 10.98 ns 334.7 ns 1.00 0.04 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 2 14 232.6 ns 3.84 ns 3.41 ns 230.6 ns 0.68 0.02 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 2 24 351.7 ns 3.23 ns 3.46 ns 350.4 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 2 24 240.8 ns 1.58 ns 1.32 ns 240.2 ns 0.68 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 64 2 32 401.7 ns 1.78 ns 1.48 ns 402.0 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 64 2 32 263.9 ns 2.68 ns 2.51 ns 263.6 ns 0.66 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 0 14 250.8 ns 1.83 ns 1.71 ns 250.9 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 0 14 264.2 ns 1.49 ns 1.39 ns 264.3 ns 1.05 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 0 24 323.7 ns 2.31 ns 2.04 ns 323.4 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 0 24 288.0 ns 1.54 ns 1.37 ns 288.2 ns 0.89 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 0 32 385.6 ns 3.37 ns 3.15 ns 384.0 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 0 32 304.6 ns 0.99 ns 0.83 ns 304.8 ns 0.79 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 1 14 241.0 ns 1.54 ns 1.44 ns 241.5 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 1 14 259.3 ns 1.20 ns 1.12 ns 259.4 ns 1.08 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 1 24 309.8 ns 1.19 ns 1.06 ns 309.5 ns 1.00 0.00 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 1 24 280.5 ns 1.32 ns 1.10 ns 280.8 ns 0.91 0.00 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 1 32 393.9 ns 1.29 ns 1.01 ns 393.9 ns 1.00 0.00 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 1 32 300.8 ns 2.33 ns 2.18 ns 300.2 ns 0.76 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 2 14 329.2 ns 2.28 ns 2.02 ns 329.0 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 2 14 289.9 ns 0.81 ns 0.68 ns 289.8 ns 0.88 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 2 24 350.2 ns 3.57 ns 3.34 ns 348.5 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 2 24 302.0 ns 1.53 ns 1.44 ns 302.4 ns 0.86 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 128 2 32 404.5 ns 1.94 ns 1.51 ns 405.3 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 128 2 32 314.7 ns 1.85 ns 1.55 ns 314.4 ns 0.78 0.00 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 0 14 247.3 ns 1.13 ns 0.94 ns 246.8 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 0 14 304.1 ns 5.40 ns 5.05 ns 303.9 ns 1.23 0.02 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 0 24 326.3 ns 2.41 ns 2.26 ns 326.3 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 0 24 322.3 ns 1.55 ns 1.45 ns 322.4 ns 0.99 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 0 32 394.8 ns 2.43 ns 2.27 ns 394.6 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 0 32 339.9 ns 1.49 ns 1.32 ns 339.8 ns 0.86 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 1 14 250.9 ns 2.08 ns 1.95 ns 250.8 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 1 14 293.7 ns 2.22 ns 2.08 ns 292.6 ns 1.17 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 1 24 311.3 ns 2.73 ns 2.56 ns 310.0 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 1 24 315.7 ns 1.67 ns 1.48 ns 315.9 ns 1.01 0.01 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 1 32 377.3 ns 2.79 ns 2.47 ns 376.6 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 1 32 340.8 ns 2.59 ns 2.43 ns 340.1 ns 0.90 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 2 14 330.0 ns 2.27 ns 2.12 ns 330.8 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 2 14 319.7 ns 1.13 ns 1.00 ns 319.4 ns 0.97 0.01 0.0067 56 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 2 24 346.6 ns 0.81 ns 0.63 ns 346.7 ns 1.00 0.00 0.0086 72 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 2 24 329.9 ns 1.78 ns 1.58 ns 330.2 ns 0.95 0.00 0.0086 72 B 1.00
StackAllocSecure 256 2 32 401.4 ns 3.71 ns 3.47 ns 399.5 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00
DoubleRejection 256 2 32 344.3 ns 2.96 ns 2.63 ns 343.7 ns 0.86 0.01 0.0105 88 B 1.00

Graph for Double Rejection benchmark

That's a great speedup with a 64 byte buffer, a modest saving with a 128 byte buffer, and a regression generating 14 character passwords with a 256 byte buffer but a modest saving generating 32 character passwords.


We've gone from the initial co-pilot generated code with its naive use of new Random() and lack of features, to a couple of performant and secure alternatives. We can now configure minimum symbol guarantees in our generator and we can alter settings to fine-tune the performance for the length of password we want to generate.

If we want to minimise runtime, we can use a reduced character set to avoid having to reject bytes. I would recommend this approach.


Future improvements

Investigate alternative Crypto-secure Random Number Generators (CSPRNG) or Key Derivation Functions (KDF) for faster generation.


You may be thinking:

Password generation shouldn't happen often enough that even 1ms, let alone 1µs should matter. All this optimization is a waste.

You'd be right if the goal of this was to optimise password generation in production rather than a personal exercise and demonstration of the tooling with an easy to understand example.

I also feel that code quality, including performance, is still important. Two things happen if you let in poor quality code:

  1. The code gets copied around, and used outside of its original context.
  2. Your team gets used to checking in bad code, and a "Looks good to me" culture.

Password generation almost certainly isn't a hot path, but who knows when next time someone might need some random data. If this code is hanging around your code-base, it can easily get copied and used in a different context where the performance concerns are more valid.

The second is more subjective, but it's a matter of pride to work on a team where the first code that co-pilot generated would get picked apart and not accepted. A culture of rubber-stamping PRs can quickly set in if standards aren't held up and assumptions aren't checked.

False Optimisations

It's worth noting here some approaches taken that did not improve performance. I originally wanted to include them in the bulk of the post but I felt it was already getting too long, so they got cut from the final version.

Replacing the character lookup string with char[]

This actually decreased performance. string in c# are immutable and as such can be treated as a ReadOnlySpan<char> wherever needed, and are fast to index against. There was no improvement to using char[], just a neglible downside.

Avoiding Modulo with a longer lookup

This one was flat. I had the idea to avoid the modulo by using a repeated string, i.e. instead of:

string characters = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789@#$%&()_+";
char randomChar = characters[value % 64];

You would do:

string characters = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789@#$%&()_+abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789@#$%&()_+abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789@#$%&()_+abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789@#$%&()_+";
char randomChar = characters[value];

I was hopeful for this one, but it had no appreciable effect on performance.

Avoiding modulo with bittricks / bitshifiting

Other approaches to avoiding modulo such as bitwise & or bitshifting were the same performance as modulo. I didn't check whether they compiled to the same IL but I'd imagine they did. I'm not smarter than a compiler.


I'd heard that rather than new string(buffer), there were faster methods to allocate strings with String.Create. I experimented with what is an awkward method and I couldn't get it close. That may be down to the very small string values I'm dealing with.


Instead of RandomNumberGenerator.Fill you can use RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes to return the array. This is cleaner syntax but it has no effect on performance. I left RandomNumberGenerator.Fill to make the example have syntax that matched Random.Shared.NextBytes more closely to make it clear they were otherwise the same.

Matching special characters with SearchValues

Instead of !char.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit, I tried System.Buffer.SearchValues with a span of special characters. This added ~20ns to the runtime. ( See Searching.cs for code. )



Graphs generated with

Thank you to members on the csharp discord for reviewing a draft and finding mistakes, posting improvements and suggesting alternative approaches.

Code - Pull Requests Welcome

The code to generate all the results in this post is available at

Pull requests are welcomed. If you have improvements or corrections, please send me a PR with the change.

Full comparison table

Here's a benchmark run with most of the functions, with a single baseline of the original co-pilot output. This run was done before the very final versions of some of the functions, so some minor differences in naming or results may be observed. ( This full run takes well over an hour to generate. )

Full results comparison

These results can be recreated by running the program in this repository.

BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Windows 10 (10.0.19045.5608/22H2/2022Update)
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 10.0.100-preview.2.25164.34
  [Host]     : .NET 10.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  DefaultJob : .NET 10.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2

Method Categories Length MinmumSpecialCharacters Mean Error StdDev Median Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
GeneratePassword **** 14 0 215.75 ns 3.793 ns 3.548 ns 214.55 ns 1.00 0.02 0.0753 632 B 1.00
SecureRandom 14 0 1,385.24 ns 8.990 ns 7.969 ns 1,385.91 ns 6.42 0.11 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 14 0 129.72 ns 1.398 ns 1.167 ns 129.88 ns 0.60 0.01 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePassword **** 14 1 210.58 ns 2.404 ns 2.007 ns 210.05 ns 1.00 0.01 0.0753 632 B 1.00
SecureRandom 14 1 1,340.80 ns 23.188 ns 30.151 ns 1,329.52 ns 6.37 0.15 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 14 1 128.65 ns 1.271 ns 0.992 ns 128.77 ns 0.61 0.01 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePassword **** 14 2 211.72 ns 4.151 ns 4.077 ns 209.72 ns 1.00 0.03 0.0753 632 B 1.00
SecureRandom 14 2 1,359.95 ns 11.902 ns 11.133 ns 1,356.93 ns 6.43 0.13 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 14 2 127.48 ns 1.065 ns 0.832 ns 127.52 ns 0.60 0.01 0.0668 560 B 0.89
GeneratePassword **** 24 0 305.68 ns 5.666 ns 5.300 ns 305.30 ns 1.00 0.02 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
SecureRandom 24 0 2,395.31 ns 46.895 ns 55.825 ns 2,370.40 ns 7.84 0.22 0.1411 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 24 0 229.69 ns 3.249 ns 2.536 ns 229.95 ns 0.75 0.01 0.1433 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePassword **** 24 1 305.93 ns 3.580 ns 3.174 ns 306.07 ns 1.00 0.01 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
SecureRandom 24 1 2,287.34 ns 19.272 ns 17.084 ns 2,283.84 ns 7.48 0.09 0.1411 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 24 1 227.92 ns 4.142 ns 3.459 ns 227.26 ns 0.75 0.01 0.1433 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePassword **** 24 2 301.40 ns 3.863 ns 3.016 ns 301.27 ns 1.00 0.01 0.1516 1272 B 1.00
SecureRandom 24 2 2,323.11 ns 9.154 ns 7.644 ns 2,322.33 ns 7.71 0.08 0.1411 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 24 2 226.98 ns 4.383 ns 3.660 ns 226.45 ns 0.75 0.01 0.1433 1200 B 0.94
GeneratePassword **** 32 0 374.21 ns 4.377 ns 4.095 ns 372.42 ns 1.00 0.01 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
SecureRandom 32 0 2,940.00 ns 20.856 ns 18.488 ns 2,944.29 ns 7.86 0.10 0.2213 1856 B 0.96
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 32 0 315.04 ns 2.574 ns 2.009 ns 315.06 ns 0.84 0.01 0.2217 1856 B 0.96
GeneratePassword **** 32 1 378.56 ns 6.198 ns 5.176 ns 378.47 ns 1.00 0.02 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
SecureRandom 32 1 3,107.14 ns 28.586 ns 25.341 ns 3,101.47 ns 8.21 0.13 0.2213 1856 B 0.96
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 32 1 304.02 ns 1.081 ns 0.844 ns 304.00 ns 0.80 0.01 0.2217 1856 B 0.96
GeneratePassword **** 32 2 390.50 ns 6.386 ns 5.974 ns 388.73 ns 1.00 0.02 0.2303 1928 B 1.00
SecureRandom 32 2 3,128.55 ns 30.199 ns 28.248 ns 3,127.64 ns 8.01 0.14 0.2213 1856 B 0.96
GeneratePasswordSharedRandom 32 2 310.85 ns 4.786 ns 3.996 ns 310.55 ns 0.80 0.02 0.2217 1856 B 0.96
StringBuilderSecure Secure 14 0 1,185.09 ns 19.311 ns 18.063 ns 1,174.75 ns ? ? 0.0191 160 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 14 0 1,158.14 ns 4.036 ns 3.776 ns 1,158.91 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 14 0 85.71 ns 0.503 ns 0.420 ns 85.58 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 14 0 212.04 ns 2.828 ns 2.646 ns 210.90 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 14 0 98.66 ns 0.955 ns 0.893 ns 98.63 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 14 0 281.52 ns 1.200 ns 1.002 ns 281.65 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 14 0 239.94 ns 1.372 ns 1.146 ns 239.51 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 14 0 245.24 ns 1.685 ns 1.577 ns 245.40 ns ? ? 0.0067 56 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 14 1 1,188.01 ns 9.011 ns 7.525 ns 1,187.19 ns ? ? 0.0191 160 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 14 1 1,161.76 ns 5.315 ns 4.712 ns 1,160.91 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 14 1 86.07 ns 0.390 ns 0.326 ns 86.01 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 14 1 212.12 ns 2.252 ns 2.107 ns 211.24 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 14 1 101.42 ns 0.613 ns 0.512 ns 101.26 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 14 1 300.96 ns 2.228 ns 2.084 ns 300.47 ns ? ? 0.0138 117 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 14 1 230.91 ns 1.113 ns 0.929 ns 230.93 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 14 1 242.83 ns 2.003 ns 1.874 ns 242.11 ns ? ? 0.0067 56 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 14 2 1,182.45 ns 4.747 ns 4.440 ns 1,183.29 ns ? ? 0.0191 160 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 14 2 1,170.14 ns 6.867 ns 6.424 ns 1,170.44 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 14 2 84.92 ns 0.628 ns 0.524 ns 84.64 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 14 2 209.01 ns 1.692 ns 1.583 ns 208.98 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 14 2 106.88 ns 0.855 ns 0.800 ns 106.71 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 14 2 386.26 ns 2.061 ns 1.721 ns 386.12 ns ? ? 0.0162 137 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 14 2 325.62 ns 1.919 ns 1.795 ns 325.56 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 14 2 341.45 ns 2.575 ns 2.408 ns 341.46 ns ? ? 0.0067 56 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 24 0 1,986.09 ns 7.470 ns 6.987 ns 1,990.54 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 24 0 1,973.83 ns 7.796 ns 7.292 ns 1,975.28 ns ? ? 0.0153 144 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 24 0 108.45 ns 1.711 ns 1.601 ns 108.34 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 24 0 299.18 ns 2.914 ns 2.726 ns 298.42 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 24 0 119.60 ns 0.658 ns 0.549 ns 119.57 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 24 0 404.17 ns 2.775 ns 2.596 ns 404.11 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 24 0 312.67 ns 1.939 ns 1.619 ns 312.76 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 24 0 322.41 ns 1.980 ns 1.852 ns 322.38 ns ? ? 0.0086 72 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 24 1 1,989.94 ns 9.423 ns 8.353 ns 1,990.50 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 24 1 2,159.30 ns 8.801 ns 7.802 ns 2,159.61 ns ? ? 0.0153 144 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 24 1 107.50 ns 1.434 ns 1.341 ns 107.10 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 24 1 293.72 ns 2.800 ns 2.619 ns 292.97 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 24 1 125.20 ns 1.823 ns 1.705 ns 124.90 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 24 1 416.30 ns 2.899 ns 2.570 ns 415.79 ns ? ? 0.0172 145 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 24 1 318.78 ns 2.812 ns 2.630 ns 318.29 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 24 1 312.46 ns 1.519 ns 1.269 ns 312.75 ns ? ? 0.0086 72 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 24 2 1,990.07 ns 6.972 ns 6.180 ns 1,989.67 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 24 2 1,985.53 ns 11.634 ns 10.883 ns 1,983.66 ns ? ? 0.0153 144 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 24 2 108.31 ns 1.357 ns 1.203 ns 107.83 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 24 2 305.47 ns 3.098 ns 2.898 ns 305.27 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 24 2 133.99 ns 1.627 ns 1.442 ns 133.84 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 24 2 445.34 ns 3.244 ns 3.035 ns 446.11 ns ? ? 0.0176 150 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 24 2 361.00 ns 3.072 ns 2.874 ns 360.94 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 24 2 362.64 ns 2.274 ns 2.127 ns 362.30 ns ? ? 0.0086 72 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 32 0 2,663.43 ns 14.367 ns 13.439 ns 2,662.94 ns ? ? 0.0267 224 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 32 0 2,635.60 ns 10.638 ns 9.951 ns 2,634.98 ns ? ? 0.0191 176 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 32 0 120.60 ns 0.777 ns 0.689 ns 120.71 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 32 0 365.84 ns 6.409 ns 5.995 ns 364.31 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 32 0 156.50 ns 0.690 ns 0.539 ns 156.52 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 32 0 499.75 ns 3.139 ns 2.782 ns 499.69 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 32 0 398.02 ns 3.087 ns 2.887 ns 398.12 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 32 0 390.82 ns 3.490 ns 3.264 ns 389.70 ns ? ? 0.0105 88 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 32 1 2,638.28 ns 13.093 ns 12.247 ns 2,634.78 ns ? ? 0.0267 224 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 32 1 2,623.61 ns 10.045 ns 9.396 ns 2,620.10 ns ? ? 0.0191 176 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 32 1 117.34 ns 0.484 ns 0.405 ns 117.34 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 32 1 372.87 ns 3.183 ns 2.977 ns 372.13 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 32 1 151.72 ns 2.136 ns 1.893 ns 151.65 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 32 1 504.52 ns 4.325 ns 4.045 ns 504.67 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 32 1 386.11 ns 2.910 ns 2.722 ns 386.58 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 32 1 376.84 ns 2.314 ns 2.165 ns 376.26 ns ? ? 0.0105 88 B ?
StringBuilderSecure Secure 32 2 2,635.03 ns 8.654 ns 8.095 ns 2,636.25 ns ? ? 0.0267 224 B ?
CharArraySecure Secure 32 2 2,615.32 ns 10.481 ns 9.804 ns 2,614.03 ns ? ? 0.0191 176 B ?
BufferSecure Secure 32 2 116.30 ns 1.251 ns 1.044 ns 116.03 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsSecure Secure 32 2 370.29 ns 3.049 ns 2.546 ns 370.88 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
RejectionSampleSecure Secure 32 2 157.19 ns 2.703 ns 2.257 ns 156.89 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsWithRejectionSecure Secure 32 2 518.26 ns 3.547 ns 3.318 ns 517.21 ns ? ? 0.0210 178 B ?
SpecialLoopSecure Secure 32 2 401.38 ns 3.397 ns 3.178 ns 400.96 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
StackAllocSecure Secure 32 2 400.59 ns 3.066 ns 2.867 ns 400.15 ns ? ? 0.0105 88 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 14 0 103.71 ns 2.085 ns 2.230 ns 103.56 ns ? ? 0.0191 160 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 14 0 66.52 ns 0.477 ns 0.423 ns 66.42 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 14 0 34.93 ns 0.725 ns 0.678 ns 34.65 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 14 0 125.68 ns 0.874 ns 0.730 ns 125.64 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 14 0 37.67 ns 0.467 ns 0.414 ns 37.53 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 14 0 184.69 ns 1.629 ns 1.524 ns 184.28 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 14 0 148.74 ns 0.908 ns 0.709 ns 149.01 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 14 0 145.10 ns 0.831 ns 0.694 ns 145.13 ns ? ? 0.0067 56 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 14 1 100.21 ns 1.307 ns 1.159 ns 100.23 ns ? ? 0.0191 160 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 14 1 66.53 ns 0.279 ns 0.218 ns 66.54 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 14 1 35.07 ns 0.408 ns 0.341 ns 35.09 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 14 1 124.14 ns 1.444 ns 1.280 ns 123.71 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 14 1 36.73 ns 0.534 ns 0.446 ns 36.82 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 14 1 206.37 ns 0.633 ns 0.494 ns 206.34 ns ? ? 0.0138 117 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 14 1 149.17 ns 2.276 ns 2.129 ns 148.53 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 14 1 145.35 ns 0.719 ns 0.600 ns 145.47 ns ? ? 0.0067 56 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 14 2 108.28 ns 3.840 ns 11.322 ns 113.80 ns ? ? 0.0191 160 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 14 2 67.02 ns 0.284 ns 0.222 ns 67.00 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 14 2 38.87 ns 0.425 ns 0.355 ns 38.78 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 14 2 124.88 ns 0.858 ns 0.717 ns 125.03 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 14 2 48.20 ns 0.666 ns 0.590 ns 48.02 ns ? ? 0.0181 152 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 14 2 268.35 ns 1.793 ns 1.590 ns 268.00 ns ? ? 0.0162 137 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 14 2 209.33 ns 1.761 ns 1.647 ns 209.00 ns ? ? 0.0134 112 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 14 2 205.04 ns 1.408 ns 1.317 ns 204.45 ns ? ? 0.0067 56 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 24 0 140.14 ns 2.861 ns 8.022 ns 142.42 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 24 0 107.90 ns 0.898 ns 0.840 ns 107.54 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 24 0 40.86 ns 0.265 ns 0.221 ns 40.81 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 24 0 189.76 ns 1.358 ns 1.204 ns 189.70 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 24 0 44.86 ns 0.281 ns 0.235 ns 44.80 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 24 0 286.75 ns 2.619 ns 2.322 ns 286.46 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 24 0 202.88 ns 1.616 ns 1.349 ns 202.67 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 24 0 200.00 ns 1.594 ns 1.413 ns 199.66 ns ? ? 0.0086 72 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 24 1 195.29 ns 3.455 ns 3.232 ns 195.30 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 24 1 108.35 ns 0.594 ns 0.496 ns 108.21 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 24 1 37.21 ns 0.189 ns 0.147 ns 37.21 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 24 1 186.75 ns 1.421 ns 1.329 ns 185.99 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 24 1 45.08 ns 0.705 ns 0.659 ns 44.87 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 24 1 302.02 ns 1.534 ns 1.281 ns 302.21 ns ? ? 0.0172 145 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 24 1 203.26 ns 1.391 ns 1.162 ns 203.63 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 24 1 200.42 ns 1.133 ns 1.004 ns 199.96 ns ? ? 0.0086 72 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 24 2 190.69 ns 3.839 ns 5.628 ns 191.55 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 24 2 111.76 ns 1.222 ns 1.083 ns 111.49 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 24 2 37.13 ns 0.167 ns 0.139 ns 37.12 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 24 2 187.46 ns 2.519 ns 2.356 ns 186.15 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 24 2 56.36 ns 0.772 ns 0.722 ns 55.91 ns ? ? 0.0229 192 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 24 2 320.71 ns 2.698 ns 2.524 ns 320.62 ns ? ? 0.0176 150 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 24 2 234.60 ns 1.279 ns 1.134 ns 234.32 ns ? ? 0.0172 144 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 24 2 230.01 ns 2.024 ns 1.893 ns 229.09 ns ? ? 0.0086 72 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 32 0 211.11 ns 3.472 ns 3.247 ns 210.95 ns ? ? 0.0267 224 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 32 0 144.00 ns 1.119 ns 0.934 ns 143.89 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 32 0 46.17 ns 0.258 ns 0.202 ns 46.14 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 32 0 244.44 ns 2.530 ns 2.366 ns 244.46 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 32 0 53.89 ns 0.578 ns 0.512 ns 53.71 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 32 0 370.80 ns 2.476 ns 2.316 ns 370.08 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 32 0 256.39 ns 1.353 ns 1.056 ns 256.77 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 32 0 253.48 ns 1.874 ns 1.753 ns 253.80 ns ? ? 0.0105 88 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 32 1 256.33 ns 3.118 ns 2.764 ns 256.21 ns ? ? 0.0267 224 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 32 1 140.86 ns 0.484 ns 0.404 ns 140.96 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 32 1 44.40 ns 0.480 ns 0.449 ns 44.24 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 32 1 240.46 ns 1.365 ns 1.140 ns 240.36 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 32 1 53.50 ns 0.721 ns 0.602 ns 53.39 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 32 1 369.59 ns 2.814 ns 2.632 ns 368.95 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 32 1 256.90 ns 1.895 ns 1.582 ns 257.15 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 32 1 253.26 ns 1.736 ns 1.539 ns 253.48 ns ? ? 0.0105 88 B ?
StringBuilder Vulnerable 32 2 253.24 ns 5.010 ns 5.568 ns 254.21 ns ? ? 0.0267 224 B ?
CharArray Vulnerable 32 2 144.44 ns 1.747 ns 1.634 ns 144.03 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
Buffer Vulnerable 32 2 44.42 ns 0.508 ns 0.475 ns 44.18 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItems Vulnerable 32 2 241.91 ns 1.967 ns 1.744 ns 241.59 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
RejectionSample Vulnerable 32 2 65.01 ns 0.655 ns 0.547 ns 65.10 ns ? ? 0.0277 232 B ?
GetItemsWithRejection Vulnerable 32 2 385.69 ns 2.443 ns 2.166 ns 385.52 ns ? ? 0.0210 178 B ?
SpecialLoop Vulnerable 32 2 276.94 ns 2.463 ns 2.184 ns 276.36 ns ? ? 0.0210 176 B ?
StackAlloc Vulnerable 32 2 271.10 ns 0.982 ns 0.870 ns 271.37 ns ? ? 0.0105 88 B ?